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Attributes of an Emotional Support Animal

An ESA is an animal companion that provides support, comfort, and companionship to the mentally and physically disabled person through their presence. Different types of animals can serve as ESAs but dogs, cats, and horses are proved to the best among them.


Though these animal pets are not specially trained to perform their owner’s tasks there are some important attributes that need to be present in them. They are as follows:


  • Basic Practices


Emotional support animals should be well behaved with their owners in a certain environment. They need to be polite, compassionate, obedient and calm. They must have a socializing nature and should not harm anyone.


  • Feel Comfortable when touched


An ESA must be comfortable with petting on the head, back or foot. Some people may have issues with muscle control and can be sloppy or accidentally cruel when petting animals. An emotional support animal will be disqualified if it shows any signs of aggression. Therefore, they must express a loving attitude with the patients.



  • Cleanliness and Hygienic


The most important attribute of an emotional support animal is to be clean and hygienic. It must, therefore, be bathed and cleaned immediately before a scheduled appointment. Similarly, nails should also cut regularly to avoid any accidental wounds and scratches. If ESA wears any clothes for identification, it should also be clean. Lastly, it is recommendable to verify all the medical tests and vaccinations before acquiring an animal pet’s service.




  • Sense of Humor


The support animals must show a great sense of humor and person-pleasing tricks that makes people laugh and happy. They should enjoy showing up in funny masks and dresses on holidays or special occasions.


Therefore, an individual can get the services of these ESAs only if he is mentally or emotionally disabled. For that, it needs to consult a mental expert to get an emotional support letter. If the consultant feels the need to employ a dog as an ESA with the patient, an individual will get an emotional support dog letter. Only then it will be able to get a valuable companionship of an assistance animal.